Grace Experience Product & Marketing UX Design

Tell it like it is,

In a way they want to hear it.

Responsive Web Design

Kanjy Website

A community platform dedicated to both emerging and established screenwriters, playwrights, agents, producers, organizations, and venues.

Project Brief

Kanjy is a community platform dedicated to emerging and established screenwriters, playwrights, agents, producers, organizations, and venues.

Kanjy's objective is to provide a single platform that can connect and organize vast artist communities specifically as related to writers.

Mobile prototype click here, desktop prototype click here.

Research & Analytics

There were several problems with the site that might deter traffic from Kanjy

  • The page wasn’t impressive for a first-time visitor. The few slides shown in the header couldn’t communicate its purpose.
  • The layout’s overall look and feel didn't match its content. The logo wasn’t suited for a writer's community.
  • There was no quick upload functionality for sharing work, and the sign-up process was far too long.

Additionally, Kanjy’s no-so-pretty heat map conveyed some important information:

  • Although the sign-up button was bold and highly contrasted, it didn’t generate clicks.
  • Users tried to to click the pagination dot. This suggests that they want to learn more about Kanjy; on the flip side, however, it means the first slide didn't have enough information.
  • The "script" search button on the top is also a heat spot, which suggests that users would like to have a overall tour and know more about Kanjy before they decide to join the community.
  • The scrolling map indicated where the user ends up on the page. Since Kanjy's page is fairly short, most users scrolled all the way to the footer. However, visitors stop scrolling as soon as soon as they hit the end. This is the footer's information usually be considered as lower hierarchy, and the users may not have seen more important information buried therein.
  • An irregular color bar in the scroll map suggests users actually read the content and would like to explore even further.


Kanjy lets writers create portfolios of their work, but it's still not sufficient to make the whole community an active network.

The connection between writers and publishers needs to be tightened. I tried to solve these issues by adapting a near black-and-white color scheme, inspired by newspaper and handwriting imagery. I added a quick upload button for registered users to submit their work as soon as they wanted. Showing the numbers of the current user base (writers, agents, producers, organizations, and venues) and adding an “Author of the Week” section in the homepage encouraged new users to join. Finally, the site was made responsive for users to read and share from almost any given platform.


This is the main page annotated wireframe. Find the mobile and desktop prototype on the right rail.

Focus on Users,
Not Just Script

Producers visit a writers’ community to search for the best scripts from writers who haven’t got enough exposure. What motivated writers to join this community? It’s not only to get new opportunities but also to meet talented peers and find themselves creatively. I added a section called “Author of the Week” to the homepage, where every writer had the chance to shine — and with community growth, this honor would look even better on paper.


A search function would be an essential way for users to find scripts efficiently. Working with clients and three users, I designed the left-side search bar displaying the most popular search options as well as options for the user to either type in or drag when selecting the number of actors.

What I've Learned

Focus groups may not always be the best way to discover problems or individual needs, but they help in gathering information. The Kanjy project helped me realize that stakeholder insights and real, hard data are both crucial in objective design. A think-out-loud focus group of existing users proved particularly vital in understanding the writers’ community, their mindsets, how they feel, what motivates them, and what they think about new ideas.

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