Grace Experience Product & Marketing UX Design

Little things make big things happen.

Responsive Web Design

Shop By Hashtag

Shop the trends with social feedback from friends.

Project Brief

ShopbyHasgtag started as a software company in New York back to 2013, its social commerce is still in its infancy. None of the major social networks — Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest — have yet to figure out how to bring accessible transactions directly to their platforms. Instead they direct retailers to use earned and paid media to bring customers to their online storefronts. ShopbyHasgtag took this opportunities to sell both real product as well as their digital platform.

Subject Research & Analysis

To assess concept viability, expectations can be listed by different user types. The dot indicates how likely the specific user group would be influenced by social media. Knowing the different motivations and habits people have when they come to a site helps designers make decisions that improve overall site usability while supporting different users’ needs.




Design Communication

User Testing Iterations

What I've Learned

Social expressions allow users to express how they feel about your products, content, and campaigns. This project gives me a chance to dive into different types of users and their motivation: peer recommendations; user-curated shopping; participatory and understanding how consumers become involved directly in the production process through voting, funding, and collaboratively designing products by presenting the social influence. Social shopping website like ShopByHashTag attempt to replicate offline shopping with friends by including chat and forum features for exchanging advice and opinions.

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